Receive It

James 1.17 says—  “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

The scripture is like wrapped treasure. For 1200 years it was wrapped up by the catholic church.  They wouldn’t allow you to hold it! If you were to persist in having a copy of this book, they would persecute you, jail you, and kill you. It was a capitol offense if you were to preach this book. This period of time became known as the dark ages. Why would someone hate the publication and proclamation of a book they say they live by? Why do churches today spend the slimmest amount of their budget on the same?

After all, the scripture is: food for your soul; a mirror to your life; light to our daily walk; the very word of God! It doesn’t just contain it— it is the Word of God. It is God, revealed. There is a single theme that runs through this whole passage (James 1.17-27): The Bible! 

The text refers to God’s Bible as: “the word” (22-23); “the word of truth” (18); “the engrafted word” (18); and “the perfect law of liberty” (25). We are to: Receive it; Obey it; and Live it. Let’s focus on that first part, where verse 21 says— “receive with meekness the engrafted word.” 

Why should we receive the Word? 

Because it brings salvation. Verse 21 says that the engrafted word— “is able to save one’s soul.” Verse 18 says we are— “begotten (born)…with the word of truth.” In 1 Peter 1.21 Peter says that we are— “born again… by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever.” Just as it takes two parents to have a physical birth, the same is true in spiritual birth. We are “born of the Spirit “(John 3.6); and “born of the word” (1 Peter 1.21). The Word of God and the Spirit of God come together in the heart of us and the result is the new birth. We know that faith is essential in salvation. Well, Romans 10.17 says— “Faith comes by… the word of God.” Even the phrase— “received the word” is used synonymously with being saved in the Bible (Acts 2.41, 8.14, 11.1, 17.11).  

How should we receive the Word?  

With ears open: Verse 19 tells us to be— “swift to hear”. Be ready to listen. Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 5.1a— “Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools:” This Bible is precious— are you ready to listen to it?

With mouths shut: Verse 19 also tells us to be “slow to speak”. Just as Proverbs 10.19 states— “In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise”. Or Proverbs 17.27a— “He that hath knowledge spareth his words”. How about Proverbs 17.28— “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding”. Too much? How about Ecclesiastes 5.2— “Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.”Flippant debate about the Bible is sickening. I hear people say things like— ‘I interpret this this way’; or ‘I think this’; or maybe ‘I take it this way’.  Please, be slow to speak— this is a serious book and should be spoken of, and about, seriously.

With hearts ready: Verse 19 and 20 say— “slow to wrath”. The word for wrathful anger is ‘orgne’, which does not refer to an explosive outburst or temper, but to an inner deep resentment that seethes and smolders, often unnoticed by others. With this text, it is speaking of anger with the Word of God, or one who is proclaiming it. It is admonishing us to be slow to be angry at a truth that is delivered when it confronts a personal belief or behavior. So when someone teaches a truth(s) on: drinking alcohol, gossip, etc. These are outright forbidden in scripture. Even in Chapter 4 James explains the conflicts in the churches. They didn’t like it. In 1 Corinthians Paul does the same. They didn’t like it. Self-will and personal practices were overruling the Word of God in both cases. I believe they even do today. Hearing the Word but resenting a truth because it doesn’t agree with you— is a heart not ready to receive the Word at all. 

We’ve seen Why we should receive the Word and How we are to receive the Word. Now, verse 21 uses the word “engrafted”, which means implanted. This is why Jesus referred to it also as seed in Matthew 13 and Luke 8. The seed is the Word and the soil is our Hearts. Every influence in our life is a seed. A seed that will grow into a plant. Seeds of anger and unresolved conflict will produce bitterness. Seeds of doubt will produce insecurities. Seeds of laziness will produce complacency. We all ingest seeds into our hearts…

How can we receive the seed of the Word according to God’s prescription without first: “lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness to receive the engrafted word”?

Get rid of all moral filth and wickedness first! We need a heart change. 

Otherwise It will grow up all gnarly. It wont be pure, it will choke out the good seed and the bad will thrive in your life. Don’t kid yourself— You will make sacrifices for one of them. One of them means more to you. One of them will take up your time more than the other. 

Everything eventually comes back to the great commandment: LOVE GOD. King David said— “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119.11). If you love God, you will receive His Word. If you receive His Word, you will grow closer to Him and thereby save your souls. The word “soul” is in reference to the core you, your eternal self, your mind will and emotions. 

The Word of God leads us to eternal salvation, and it saves us from the torment of our mind, decisions, and emotions we go through in this life. The Word of God really is the most precious gift!  

Two questions to ponder on: 

  1. Do you love God enough to get into His Bible and truly receive it?
  2. What else is competing for it’s place in your life?  

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