
I find it odd that we concentrate on the spiritual health and well being of people in general and specifically ourselves, having never known the disease?

We take Bible and church, but it’s just a placebo and not the real cure. Not to say the Bible isn’t there for understanding and the church isn’t there for our aid and spiritual development. On the contrary, these are two of our three resources for spiritual growth. But to take nyquil for cancer or to take chemo for a cold would be ignorance and dangerous.  It would be a mis-application of a good medication.  We also have used these tools for the Lord in our lives as misapplications to our need.

The disease is sin and our flesh is infected with it. The cure is Christ. He alone is our savior and the cure-all for all that ails us spiritually now and forever. Where do we find this Christ? In the Bible: John 5.39- “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” We also find Him in the church: Matthew 16.18b- “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  The Bible also says the church is the “pillar and ground of truth.”  The intertwining of the two resources are essential and indivisible.  Yet today the modern christian applies the Bible apart from church.  Equally the modern church operates independently from the Bible.  This would have been inconceivable to the first century believer.  The medications are now misused.  They have been peddled and discarded.  The problem is: we have taken in chemo for a head cold. We do not appreciate the significance of the medications any more.

Which comes first? Does the Christ of the Bible come first or the Bible?  Obviously the Word of God is exactly that – the revelation of Himself.  So He comes first, and the Bible is a source to learn of and about Him more.  He has revealed Himself completely, as we need, within the volume of this Book.  The church which He established is also a source of strength, encouragement, accountability, and fulfillment.  It is again obvious He comes first since He established it’s existence.

So then, why would we suggest to people that are in pain spiritually, to read more Bible and go to church more often?  Is that the fix?  Is that the cure-all?  No.  They are resources.  What they need is Jesus.  Jesus should always be found within a local church.  Equally, the application of all truth (Bible) is truth itself- Jesus!  What they need is a more developed fellowship with the love of their soul!  Do not take in church and Bible for your ailments without realizing the church and the Bible are the tools used by The Great Physician. He is your cure-all.  We have gravitated to that old proverb: “got the cart before the horse.”

I pray your church is about the Christ of the Bible and not the other way around.

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