The story is told of Franklin Roosevelt, who often endured long receiving lines at the White House. He complained that no one really paid any attention to what was said. One day, during a reception, he decided to try an experiment. To each person who passed down the line and shook his hand, he murmured, “I murdered my grandmother this morning.” The guests responded with phrases like, “Marvelous! Keep up the good work. We are proud of you. God bless you, sir.” It was not till the end of the line, while greeting the ambassador from Bolivia, that his words were actually heard. Nonplussed, the ambassador leaned over and whispered, “I’m sure she had it coming.”
Some people just don’t care to listen. I think we are living in a time of continual decreasing attention. It’s hard to get someone to look up from their phone long enough to pay attention to what you’re saying, much less not answer a call while you’re talking to them. Rudeness permeates our culture. There is one subject everyone stops to listen to… them. When you bring up what others have said, are saying, or your own compliment of them, people listen. How sad!
There is another subject that makes the paint peel, the homeless walk away, and the family disperse. It’s the Gospel. One word of Jesus and here we go. That is a conversation stopper for sure! It is in the opposite direction of ‘self’. Have you noticed lately the commercialization of things like ‘prayer’? People are hurting, no doubt. So what a perfect time to send them another app. Right?! There is a popular commercial on now with two actors, one an A-list actor, and the other plays Jesus on a Christian series. They promote a time of prayer and meditation for an app company, brought to you by “Meditation”. Yes, that’s right— “Meditation Industry” is in their Industry filing. It is, in their own words— “An American Catholic meditation and prayer app”. I’m not here to cast a shadow on what they are doing, as much as I am trying to make the point of: distraction. Just because someone says Jesus, prayer, meditate, etc… does not mean it’s the life transforming Gospel. Only one thing can transport you to Heaven upon your earthly death: the Gospel— “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1.16). There is nothing else. That’s it. It’s what Jesus has already done, nothing more, nothing less.
The Gospel can either cause someone to stop in their tracks, or make them run like an olympian. It’s my prayer you are a valuable member of the church you attend. In that you tell others of Jesus and invite them to a relationship with Christ on a steady basis. If you do, then you know well how this goes. Sometimes people listen to the Gospel and take the free offer of salvation. Others hear the story, but do not want it. When you come across someone who hears, but does not respond, it’s perplexing to say the least. Hopefully your heart breaks for them. This is the burden of Christ, and this burden of souls has been placed upon us. Some believers think that everything that says Jesus or Gospel, is. That’s wishful thinking at best. Satan is a deceiver. To be a good one, and he is, one would have to be as close as possible to the real thing. Ever bought a counterfeit shoes or watch? It looks the same, but upon closer inspection, it’s not even close. Satan continues to deceive believers, by throwing things close to the Gospel and Jesus, right in their path. It’s a shame and we need to wake up.
The real Gospel, unvarnished, is obscene, even offensive to the natural man. It is an item to trip over for those going the way of the world. Paul told the Corinthian church— “But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness”. So it’s not just a stumbling block, but also ludicrous. It’s obscene. Paul also told the Galatian churches— “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3.13). This is a hard thing for people to stomach. He died for you, it is not just for you, it is because of you. Nope, you are not perfect. On the contrary, you are a mess and need a Savior! Many do not take it well. John 1.11 says the same for Jesus’ time also— “He came unto his own, and his own received him not.” What do you expect to happen, if Jesus had that kind of reception, you should expect some of it as well.
What about the times someone does listen and desires to respond to the invitation of the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus? Look no further than John 1.12-13. Verse 12 talks about the receiving and believing, and verse 13 spells out how it happens— “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (12); “Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (13).
Born by the will of God… what an amazing truth! I have earthly parents which give me a name and an original place of belonging. I now have a superior parentage— God Himself! Can you believe it. He gives those who trust Him a new name and a new home. I thank God for my raising and the name provided me by my mom and dad. I am eternally grateful for the adoption provided by Jesus.
How did all this happen? How did all this work? Someone told me; I heard; He gave me the measure of faith to believe what He said was true; Upon that, I was saved by His matchless glorious grace. It happened in a moment. There I was repentant of my way, by coming to TheWay. You have to be born again. You have to be born spiritually. It is “not of blood.” Your lineage does not provide you passage. It is “not of the will of man.” Your religion does not provide you passage. The one and only way is to agree with God that His Good News is for you, that what He said is truth, and you can trust Him with your soul for eternity.
Wether people listen or not, I have got to keep telling that story. He is my Abba Father and why wouldn’t I talk of Him?! He loves me and gives me good gifts every day. His mercy is new every day. His grace is refreshed in me every day. His light and love shower me every day. I cant help but tell others. It’s not the meditation, or the pseudo Jesus stuff that works. It’s only His sacrifice for me that works. And for me, it is the sacrifice of myself, that matters now. I want to give my life freely to His cause, His way, His Gospel.
I am rich in Him, how about you?