Eternal One

I was just in a group study on the Commands of Christ, where we were investigating “light”. The scripture has a lot to say about light. All told it is about Jesus. He is God and God is light. That is simple for someone who believes what I believe, the way I believe it. But lets investigate just a bit…

Colossians 1.15-18 says— “15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” The Gospel of John described in John 1.1-5 that Jesus Christ is eternal. He has always existed. He always has and always will exist. He positions Himself not only in our hearts, but also outside space and time. He IS God! When the beginning happened, He already was. He is eternal: no beginning and no end. Even that phrase— “beginning”, when the scripture says it, it means in relation to mankind. There is no beginning with God. 

If you are a scripture reading, scripture believing, scripture living believer… then I assume you can’t ever make the claim of evolution. You know… the no-beginning thing. Humanity started at a point in time. But Jesus Christ invites us into His experience of no end. That’s what I am focused on today. So much is written about the beginning of man’s existence and refuting the evidences both ways. To me it is a non-starter. I do not even want to give a few moments of time contemplating anything else. I know that makes me sound like a neanderthal and close minded. That truly isn’t the case. I have spent a significant chunk of time looking into the theories and the so-called Christian views of evolution or evolutionary indicatives. I determined to trust the interpretation and evidences of scriptures that God led me to, after long study and prayer. And I’m not sharing here what those conclusions are in detail. Suffice to say… I’m a stuck in the mud literalist. This note is more to the subject we don’t emphasize enough… Jesus and His eternality. 

Jesus’ eternality is flooded in the Scripture. One writer that talks a lot about eternal life is John the Apostle as afore mentioned. He asserted that Jesus doesn’t just exist as an eternal observer, but that He Himself did the creating. The Colossians 1.15-18 passage Paul wrote and John agree. John 1.1-5 states— “1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” Did you notice in verse 3 the word “all”? It says— “All things were made by him…” That is emphatically inclusive. In fact the passages doubles down with— “and without him was not any thing made that was made”. Pretty much sums that up. I read an article years ago that gave only two options to the “I don’t believe that” crowd. In it, the author (whom I do not know where I got this) said— “Let me give you the two basic, big philosophical options: 1) Something made everything; 2) Nothing made everything.” He is right. Simple and direct isn’t it?

The real issue is the word “eternal”. We are finite and incapable of understanding it completely. But God did implant the longing for it and the capacity to understand what He has revealed in His Word. To not believe though is just a part of man’s pride and selfishness. We really don’t like things bigger than us. If we agree to the assertions of Scripture, then we have a lot to answer for. If what it says is true, then we have some serious repenting to do. More than that… we are going to die. Why would anyone trust themselves, and not the eternal Jesus? He is from eternity and set it in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3.11). He conquered death (1 Corinthians 15.55-58; Revelation 1.18). He is offering us eternity (John 5.24; John 6.47; John 6.54; John 10.28; Romans 6.23; John 11.25). 

Colossians 1 and John 1 both share with us just how awesome this Jesus is. He stepped out of eternity and offered us a way out of this temporary. Who not?! He chose me. He wanted me. He wants you too. He actively, by design, spontaneously, instantly in spoken declarations, made it all! Not to mention you and me. I don’t fully comprehend it, but that’s ok with me. I understand that I am finite and He is infinite. He shows Himself every single day in my life and around me. I can live with the revelation of Scripture for now until I see Him face to face. 

John’s gospel and Paul’s letter to the Colossians tell us that Jesus Christ is personal and real. He created you and therefore has certain legitimate claims on your life. The New Testament shows us just how far He went to establish those claims as our Lord and Savior on our lives. Submit to His eternality. Fall before Him today in renewed surrender.

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