Life Support

In his ‘First Law of Motion’, Sir Issac Newton asserted, “Everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it.” We find ourselves in that very situation in Revelation 3. Specifically within the assembly named “church in Sardis”. The King of all kings, the Great I Am, dictated for the Apostle John a letter. This letter was delivered to the Pastor of this assembly to be read and obeyed. Jesus does not hint, He is God. When He speaks it is commandment-based language. Why wouldn’t we want to follow? Why would anyone claiming to be a believer in Jesus Christ, not want to obey His voice?

According to Revelation 3.6, even though these messages were given to these specific churches in particular, each message is for anyone with an ear— “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” Sardis in particular had a majority who weren’t even alive anymore. The stench of death was in the air for the Lord to smell. They had grown nose deaf. They had grown use to the smell of death. This dead church of Sardis had a few who were still alive, which is our focus today.

The Spirit indicates that there were things in the church that were still holding on for life. But sadly, Jesus said they were ready to die also. Peeking into the window of this church through the lenses of Jesus, we are looking at a church struggling for their last breaths. It is a sad commentary, but so is watching anything die slowly. Complacent is enemy of life, and the maker of their present death. As Newton pointed out—“…a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it.” Jesus is that force. He warned them to— “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain…” (3.2). 

Be watchful” means quite literally ‘to be awake’. So often in the scripture the word “sleep” is associated with death from this life (1 Thessalonians 4.13-18). As sleep means death, awake means life. Be watching means to be vigilant and alert (be lively), do not go to sleep (die). Be attentive and cautious. Wake up! Pay attention! If death is sneaking up on you, shouldn’t you splash your face and snap out of it?! This was the command the Head of this church gave. Wake up and snap out of it! 

Strengthen the things that remain” means what it says. The things not yet dead need to be shored up. The verse goes on to say this— “…that are ready to die…” What isn’t dead, is almost dead. Yikes! This is not good Sardis. This is very very bad indeed. Support, prop up, re-root the foundations of that which is about to collapse in death. Remember though, they had a name that they were alive. This church believed the flattery others had placed on them. They thought they were doing pretty good. Jesus shows up, in the form of a letter written by the Apostle John, read aloud from their Pastor, and low and behold… they are toast! He tells them the majority of them are deader than a door nail, but a few remain alive, but just alive. So strengthen the ones who are alive, but about to die. 

If that isn’t enough, He continues— “…for I have not found thy works perfect before God.” Their works that they have done were not up to standard, by a long shot apparently. Nothing like hearing terrible news, only for the messenger to relay to you that the things you have done aren’t up to par either. The word for “perfect” here means— ‘to be filled to capacity’. The totality of their endeavors for Christ weren’t up to standard. All the work we ever do for Jesus is done so by Faith. It doesn’t specify the exact works. Whatever the “works” were, they weren’t what Christ saw as complete. They needed to quickly deal with this. All works that matter to God are done so because of and by faith (James 2.17). If not, then it is “dead” to begin with. It’s imperative that every church look introspective as Sardis was confronted to do. If there is death, deal with it. If there are those on life support, start strengthening them. But do it now!

Let’s unpack a little more application out of verse 2. “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain…” Every church today needs to heed this warning, this command if you will. Snap out of it, and fix what’s wrong. Some are dead and rotting, some need to be shored up. In whichever case you are in today… do it now! Change Now! There is no time to waste. According to Christ, it’s a matter of life or death. This is not something to put off or wait until a more convenient time. This would be the worst time to be defensive and self-justified. It is a time of serious, sober reflection. It is a time of quick action on the right places. Jesus says so in verse 4— “Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.” The few who have not smeared or polluted (defiled) their conscience and life (garments). They are the ones who “remain” (3.2). They have learned to be not “of” this world. It is more than just simply not cussing and using. It is first and foremost a matter of the heart. There are only a few though. We must ask ourselves— What can God do with a few? Ask Gideon (Judges 7). Ask the Apostles (Mark 3.14, Acts 17.6). Ask Caleb and Joshua (Numbers 14.6-9). Ask Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, and Jesus Himself. The few, even though they are few, are the ones God uses. 

The key is keeping the garments white. The white garments in Revelation alone (6.11, 7.9-13, 19.8-14) speak of holiness and purity. It’s also always in reference to the saved and never the lost. This proves again there are dead fakers in their midst. In these ancient cultures the robes were worn for special banquets and events. The more honorable an occasion the more pure-to-white you should wear. Why would we not then want to keep our garments white for the coming of the One and Only?! Jesus mentions this very thing in verse 3— “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” When He says— “…I will come on thee as a thief…” This is not in reference to any part of the physical second coming of Jesus Christ. He is referring to this church, and by application, us. King Jesus said— “If therefore thou shalt not watch…” Remember that “watch” means— to be vigilant and alert (be lively), do not go to sleep (die). If you don’t do this, then the worst is coming… Himself! I know that sounds like the opposite doesn’t it? Well, let me illustrate in a human way. Let’s say your earthly dad is gone on a long journey. He’s a great dad, and you love him very much. Wouldn’t you be excitingly anticipating His return? Yes. So this is the best thing—that He comes. But if you’ve been unhonorable, disrespectful, and disobedient…would you excitingly anticipate His soon return? We forget who we are dealing with. He is perfect, and so His love and His righteousness go hand-in-hand infinitely so. Wake up and be diligent to what He has said, because He is coming. 

He says His coming as a thief is both sudden and unexpected— “…and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” He is not playing around here church. He means business. If you are waiting to follow when you finally get glorified, then you have gotten all of this wrong. He expects His followers, in His churches to obey what has been stated here— “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent…” Three phases of action here: 1) remember what you have been taught; 2) hold tight, cling to, and be diligent with what you’ve been taught; and 3) repent. That last one is only done by doing the first two. If not, what are you repenting to and from? 

Circling back to the white garments. Jesus makes Himself crystal clear in verse 5— “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.” These are obviously not clothes we have here, to keep clean from the world. These are clothes He dresses us in when we are there with Him. Those who are saved, those who have “endured to the end” (Mathew 24.13), He says— “…I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father…” When you took His free grace offer, He sealed you in (Revelation 13.8, 17.8, 20.12, 10.15, 21.27, 22.19, Daniel 12.1, Luke 10.20). You didn’t earn it, you can’t keep it, and you can’t lose it. It’s a gift (John 3.16, Ephesians 2.8-9 Philippians 4.3). Not only are you not taken off the roll of the Everlasting City, but Jesus Himself will “confess” your name to the throne room attendants and the Father God Himself. Confess literally means: “to speak the same”. When one agrees, publicly declares agreement with, as in a celebration when your name is announced. 

Have you ever thought of that? Let’s be clear— you are not met at a gate by Peter, but face-to-face with the best welcoming committee in the universe—Jesus Himself. No angels introduce you—Jesus does. Why wouldn’t anyone and everyone not obey and shore up whatever He wants shored up, as fast as He says so? I’m going to see Him soon. I’m going to be introduced by the One and Only Himself! In Matthew 10.32 Jesus said— “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.” That then is exactly what I plan to do. To publicly agree with Him, tell of His name and His exploits. There’s so much, I’ll never not have material to speak about. I can’t wait to leave where I am now and find someone to tell… how about you? 

One thought on “Life Support

  1. I love to talk about Him, you’re right, there is never not something to discuss about Him. He’s infinite! I run out of non-essential things to say all the time, but never Him, that’s a supernatural thing in and of itself. This lost world needs to hear this he gospel. We have to tell them. I can’t wait to get there. I can’t wait to be embraced by Him.
    What a day that will be
    When my Jesus I shall see…..

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